
Way Cool!

The Class of Roy Halladay

New AD for Company B

Long time no blog

Umbrella Talk with playwright Rosemary Rowe

Sondheim in September

Umbrella Talk with playwright Don Druick

Umbrella Talk with playwright Ken Cameron

Umbrella Talk with playwright Lindsay Price

Great collection of links


Dido and Aeneas review

Umbrella Talk with playwright Lucia Frangione

L'Affair Drabinsky

Umbrella Talk with playwright Rex Deverell

Sustaining a career when you're not 25

Umbrella Talk with playwright Catherine Banks

Tickets to Dido and Aeneas

Yet more posting.

Umbrella Talk with playwright Kathleen Oliver

So what the heck's been going on, anyway?

Of perfection and passion

Harper Girl Does Canada Toronto Show Times

Da Fringe! Da Fringe!

Opening out of town

Luminato fringe?

No, I'm not dead

PGC, part 1

An amazing story

Umbrella Talk with playwright Michael Rubenfeld