
Richard Rose & Neil Armfield: Separated at Birth

Umbrella Spoke...What do you drink on opening night?

Thinking on creativity and a new venture

A Winter's Tail

Food for thought

Umbrella Spoke: "What inspires you?"

Death of The Diesel

Umbrella Talk with playwright Mark Brownell

Great Link

Atomic Vaudeville, Sylvia Plath Must Not Die, and new laptops

Umbrella Talk with playwright Alex Dallas

The unofficial white paper: marketing for independents

Linky Tuesday

Umbrella Talk with playwright Marjorie Chan

The unofficial white paper: venue crunch

Is there something in the water in Ottawa?

Umbrella Talk with playwright Linda Griffiths

The unofficial white paper: International connections

Theatre and War

Umbrella Talk with playwright Janet Munsil

The unofficial white paper: national companies

Test drive Facebook Blog Networks

Another Mark-Leiren Young interview

Umbrella Talk with playwright Norm Foster

The unofficial white paper: North York