#Theatrekegger is a terribly deceiving trending topic, wtf Toronto. I was so stoked to do a kegstand on stage.You may have seen this hashtag trending last night. Theatre kegger was an invite to Tina Rasmussen's house to meet other "social media influencers" (nice to still be considered one) and talk about this season of World Stage.
— Julian D'Souza (@juliandsouza) January 29, 2013
She talked about audience engagement, active participation and the importance of seeing the art we create in Toronto in a world context. She has always believed that it's important to import the best of the world to inform our work, as well as export the work we are creating here.
The season is very exciting. I like that there's also a piece that looks at the similarities between sports and art, a passion of mine. Also nice to see Tina continuing her connection with Australia. Honestly, who else would have come up with this?
But the biggest takeaway from last night? I covet her apartment, especially the toilet.