
Our first run back after taking the weekend off was wonderful. If that's the level of performance we get on opening night, I'll be very happy. Sadly, the next run had lost that sense of discovery and adventure and got mired down in worrying about lines. They know them better than they think they do. They just have to trust Adam and themselves. Hopefully the last two rehearsals will do that for them.

I love the people at Tarragon. Yesterday's tech could have been a disaster but Chris, Gavin and Shauna (I hope I'm spelling that right) went way beyond the call of duty to make the projection element happen. The biggest shift is that I had originally expected to project all along the back wall and I've ended up with a 5' by 4' screen. It fits though, as the design has become more anachronistic as befitting its original inspiration, the Max Headroom television series. John Rudge also found the Max Headroom theme music and to hear it for the first time in almost 20 years - well, it gave me goosebumps.

The only downside? We're a few minutes over and will have to make cuts. Wish Adam was around to touch base with. I can only hope the cuts I make will be ones he agrees with.

I wasn't up for it originally but after a nap I attended the launch party last night. It was really nice to touch base with other people who are going through the same thing. And I got a free drink! Always a good thing.

I'm glad we still have a few days, though. I keep thinking of all the things that need to get done yet. Can't even imagine opening.
