Three Sisters & Triple Sensation

Went back to Soulpepper to see Three Sisters. Oddly enough, I have never seen this play on stage, although there have been many local productions throughout the years. I wasn't interested until now. The reason is that the adaptation was done by Nicholas Billon, a friend who is in the Soulpepper Academy, and I was interested to hear his work. Happily, I loved it. I felt the language just flowed - very contemporary yet still Chekhov.

I also was entranced by two performances - Megan Follows as Masha and Albert Schultz as Vershinin. They both held the stage whenever they were on it. Their characters are supposed to be drawn to each other because they're more vibrant than anyone else and it worked beautifully. I wonder if it was directed that way or happened because of the casting. All I know is that I felt most for the two of them.

Unfortunately I think there was a major miscast with d'bi.young.anitafrika, which is a shame because I've loved her in everything else I've seen her in. As Olga, she is the practical one, the one beaten down by life yet I just didn't feel it. I just didn't get that she was the one holding it all together. I can't explain why.

Been watching Triple Sensation and absolutely adoring it. I'm hanging on Adrian Noble's every word and it's a treat seeing Sergio Trujillo and Andrew Craig, who I knew back when I was much younger. (Although I feel really bad at some of the dialogue Andrew's had to spew.)

At one point Adrian Noble talks about the need for training, which is resonating right now. I've noticed that the people who have the jobs I want all have MFAs in directing. I can't help but wonder if that is something I should do, yet the idea of going back to school depresses me to no end. I want to be involved in the making of theatre, not studying it. And I love the networking I do, meeting artists, trying to matchmake them. Putting that on the back-burner is not something I'm interested in.

I've also been feeling a little wistful. Singing and dancing is something that's always appealed to me and I do get to do it sometimes when I get to a karaoke or swing night. But the musical theatre appealed to me when I was younger, before I started directing, and I'm now hearing its siren call again working at the POW. Not quite sure what to do about it.
