The Fundraiser

The fundraiser is fast upon us. Even though we've been talking about it ever since we've gotten in, things got confirmed so late that now there's a mad push to try and get as many people there as possible. Everything is a flurry of activity. It's pretty much consumed Kent's free time and since I'm responsible for the talent, more of mine than I would have liked.

It will be worth it to hear Tyler Yarema play a set of completely original work. He's amazing and I'm an absolute fangirl. When he said he would do it, I was just over the moon. It will also be nice to hear the words of my beloved projects actually live. Kent has knocked himself out getting auction prizes too so I really hope there will be enough people there to justify the work that's been put into it. It will be nice to have an evening of celebration for getting this far.

The restaurant is undergoing a makeover this week, so we don't even know what it's going to look like when it's done. I really hope they don't ruin the comfy vibe of the place or the really fantastic food. They're really great people so I hope they don't get run roughshod over.

It's also crunch time for show expenses so I'm hoping we can make enough to cover most of them. This way everyone involved in the show will get to see some money at the end of it. It's pretty intensive for everyone at this point and I'd really like to see them get some monetary recognition for it.

So remember, July 22nd at the Central, 603 Markham in Mirvish Village. Doors open at 7, entertainment starts at 8. And if you can't come, you can still bid on the auction items by proxy. Hope to see you there!
