A new direction

My father died last September. I have a draft post that I only got a few sentences through before it was too much. I was already near the point of burnout and this event took me over the edge. I pushed through until I could get some time to truly rest. And when I did, my course was clear. I needed to quit. So I did. 

I gave myself a month to rest and rejuvenate. Then I wrestled with what would come next. I've resisted being a coach in the past but the last year and a half I spent training new hires showed me that I already had the skill set to do it. I want to get back on stage, speaking and performing. Get back to writing in this blog as well as doing some travel and fiction writing. And I want to build and lead a community that is committed to bringing themselves into joy.

I've been putting the pieces together for this. Here's the first one, the private coaching. I tested using an oracle card reading as a way to guide the session and discovered that it was very effective in getting to the core of what was going on quickly. I was able to get to a shift in a short amount of time.

All the designing work for a website (which will host the blog) is still ongoing. All my mentors have said don't wait until everything is perfect. Just get something out there. So here it is! You can book below.

Are you burned to a crisp? Did your stressful job become too much when a life-changing event occurred? Are the things that used to make you happy just has you feeling empty? I was. I found my way out and I can help you do the same. Book a private session and let's find your route to joy.
